The Tea Rooms at Duckett’s Grove

If you are looking for a nice relaxing afternoon out, I’m going to recommend Duckett’s Grove outside Carlow. I have to admit I still have to do the tour, despite visiting on numerous occasions. ?It has a romantic history, the castle being burnt during Ireland’s more troubled times in 1933.

The kids like running around the walled garden and through [...]

It’s Raining Men!

It’s not deliberate that I haven’t been writing about the farm lately, well, not really. ?It is just that it has been so so wet that it is somewhat depressing and the last thing I wanted to do was write a blog post that complained especially when I keep seeing blog posts and pictures about the drought in the States which is worse I think.

It’s frustrating too as it makes it so hard to make decisions. It’s hard to decide [...]

Days Out for Irish Farmerette

Days out tend to be pretty precious around here – partly because Brian’s only half day off tends to be Sunday afternoons although he usually does try to get the occasional day off during the school holidays. Bad weather means he is busier than normal and means that we don’t necessarily have as much enthusiasm for trying to get away. It’s like we need sunshine to put a spring in our step!

I recently met two friends at Russborough [...]

A Day in the Life of an Irish Farmerette

For someone who loves blogging, I’m very aware that I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been around here much! I’ve had this post in my head for some time that I must write down what I do all day (in an attempt too to eliminate any procrastination sneaking in there) so thought I’d share it with you.

7:30 – I [...]

Human Body Exhibtion

I ?brought the children to see the Human Body Exhibition in the Ambassador on O’Connell St in Dublin. ?I often find that I see something on and think to myself that I must bring the children to it and then time passes and it is gone.

I was a little unsure what the children would make of it [...]