Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone – it’s been a busy run up to Christmas with the online orders and generating new business for Write on Track too so I am really looking forward to battening down the hatches and relaxing in front of the fire with a book / crochet / chocolate / scrabble / lego / doll’s house / TV – you get the drift – I’m not going to be doing much running around for the next few days!

Apart from making Brian’s present tomorrow (a huge collage from 18 months of photographs and framing it) we’re all set regarding the pressies.

The nativity play went great, the Christmas trees are up (yes, trees – sod the recession! – I had asked Brian to bring in a tiny real Xmas tree for the hall for the smell of the pine and he brought in an 8 foot one!). Am doing the final dust and hoover now shortly and then sorting out the holly and the rest of the Christmas cards and decorations. ?I’m collecting the turkey from a neighbour tomorrow and have no idea if it will be a 16 lb turkey or a 26 lb turkey!

Brian was interviewed recently for an Irish Times careers article and here it is in all its glory:

Merry Christmas and I hope Santa comes 🙂

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