Valentine’s Cards for Farmers

You know that Valentine’s cards should have a bit of mystery about them, right? That there should be an element of surprise, perhaps even confusion regarding who the sender might be. Well, if you’re a farmer and either don’t have the time or the wish to go looking for a suitably endearing and romantic Valentine’s card, ordering one online means that it’s all taken care of. The seller writes the message so it’s a stranger’s handwriting, the postmark will add to the confusion and the card will be perfect. Here’s a few I found that I think are great fun as well as appropriately romantic for the love of any farmer:



I am so a-tractored to you Valentine’s card from Not on the High Street.

Love you from my head to ma toes

I love you from my head to ma toes on Etsy – nice for a horticulturist.


You are udderly moovelous – perfect for dairy farmers – from Zazzle.


Cheek to Cheek from Not on the High Street – the black love heart marking between them is nice isn’t it?


And a cow with love heart marketing from Not on the High Street.

So, see, no excuses this year!

would you marry a farmer front cover (1)And should you be planning a marriage proposal, don’t forget to get a copy of Would You Marry A Farmer? along with your bottle of champagne! It’s worked for others! Available on Amazon, this website and many farm and bookshops.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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