Some of these are books I have cited within my two books and some are those I?ve enjoyed and would recommend to you as good reads and providing interesting information.
Irish farming history
The Irish Countrywomen?s Association, A History 1910?2000, Aileen Heverin.
A History of Irish Farming 1750?1950; Rooted in the Soil and Irish Farming Life, Jonathan Bell and Mervyn Watson.
Agriculture and Settlement in Ireland, edited by Margaret Murphy and Matthew Stout.
Ireland?s Arctic Siege: The Big Freeze of 1947, Kevin C. Kearns.
Irish women?s history
Unmanageable Revolutionaries, Margaret Ward.
Irish Women and Irish Migration, edited by Patrick O?Sullivan.
Culture and Society in Ireland Since 1750, edited by John Cunningham and Niall O?Ciosain.
Farm memoirs
Breakfast The Night Before, Marjorie Quarton.
A Year on Our Farm, Ann and Robin Talbot.
The Lie of the Land, P. J. Cunningham.
Any Fool Can Be a Dairy Farmer, James Robertson.
Worse Could Have Happened, Andrew D. Forrest.
To School Through the Fields, Alice Taylor.
The Yorkshire Shepherdess, Amanda Owen.
Over the Farmer?s Gate, Roger Evans.
Business books
Not Enough Hours, Owen Fitzpatrick.
Money for Jam, Oonagh Monahan.
And of course, my ebook with Amanda Webb 365 Social Media Tips; you?ll find it on Amazon.