Tag Archives: garrendenny

Maggie Moo passes an important test

Maggie Moo here again 🙂 I’m getting really big and I’m really enjoying being out in a huge field with lots of lovely green grass to eat. We moved away from the field near the yard about 4 weeks ago. It was nice there as we could see the farmers working, we could see the cows going in to be milked and chat to them as they walked back to the field after milking. Sometimes the hens came up to [...]

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Nature and nurture – how many of our characteristics and behaviour are learned and how many are inherited? ?People often debate this particularly when it comes to adoption and fostering. With cattle, it’s a bit of a different story. We want them to inherit good genes ?from their dam and sire, that’s why there’s so much research and money put into EBI, breeding, AI and more. ?But do they inherit the characteristics of kindness, shyness, greed, selfishness and charm from [...]

Queen of the Herd

Queenie of Garrendenny HerdThis is our Queen of the Herd – number 476. She was born in 2000 and had her first calf in 2002, our first calving season here in Garrendenny. She’s getting pretty old and to be honest, most cows of her age and condition would have been culled by now. However, farming isn’t just about making a profit, there will [...]

A Record-breaking Night: More Garrendenny Goats – and Triplet Calves

It has been a busy and eventful weekend here at Garrendenny. Brian knew that a cow expecting twins and in calf to a Belgian blue AI sire was due. She has been groaning for the last month and was of a considerable size so he was guessing there were going to be twin bulls in there.

He was pretty tired on Friday night and they were fairly tangled up inside her so at midnight he decided to phone for the vet. [...]