Tag Archives: irish farming

A Hen That’s Chicken!

Can hens fly?

They tend to fly downwards don’t they? They swoop down from their roost to the ground and they do a mixture between a fly and a jump when they want to reach something that’s a metre or two high.

We have a hen that was too chicken to fly! She had to be rescued!

The 3 hens are usually back inside their henhouse, all cosy on their roost by around 4:30 each day as it’s almost dark by then at [...]

A Hot Irish Summer! Would You Believe it?!

Ireland is experiencing a pretty good summer this year with a heatwave this week. Well, it might not be a heatwave in the technical sense but for us pale Irish folks, experiencing a few days of 25-27 degrees celsius in a row – it’s a heatwave! We can even become relaxed about whether we get out to sit in the garden or not, knowing it is likely to be nice for a few more days. Two good summers in a [...]

What is a Family Farm?

This is the EU Year of the Family Farm. I’ve felt for some time though that there is quite a bit of confusion over what constitutes a family farm and judging by the Teagasc conference I was at last week, I’m not the only one. What do you think it is?

What is a family farm?

To me, a family farm is one in which the farm is able to sustain and support the living expenses of the family if both are [...]

A Busy Week In May

It’s been AI season now for about 3 weeks. I should know the exact date we started as it is all written in a little white book but I’m up in Athboy for the Blue Jeans Country Queen festival (which I’m judging, just in case anyone thinks that I somehow bribed my way into the contest!) and this is the first chance I’ve had to blog for a wee while. You’d never think I spend half my day [...]