Why, What and How I Write

This post is a ‘tagging post’ amongst writers – a little bit of fun, gives readers a chance to get to know more writers and it’s interesting to see authors share the ‘Why, What and How’ they write. ?I was tagged by Pat Fitzpatrick, author of ‘Keep Away From Those Ferraris’, which I reviewed here some weeks ago.

What Am I Working On?

I’m supposed to be writing my second book but between writing lessons for We Teach [...]

Friday Book Review: Empress Dowager Cixi by Jung Chang

Jung Chang - Empress Dowager CixiMany years ago, I read Wild Swans by Jung Chang and thoroughly enjoyed learning about China’s history to some extent via this history of three generations spanning many decades. It became a bestseller and was translated into many languages. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was banned in China.

I enjoyed reading Empress Dowager Cixi, it gives an insight into China that I knew very little about. Telling the [...]

How To Get Your Self-Published Book Into Bookshops

Are you thinking of self publishing a book? Many believe that self published books are only available from the author’s website, as ebooks or on Create Space but bookshops will stock self published books providing some criteria is met. Yes, printing your books is not cheap and depends cash up front but many readers still prefer to read the physical book rather than the ebook and furthermore, they expect to see it in bookshops.

Within Ireland, the main wholesalers are [...]