Tag Archives: dairy calves

Flu, Calving and Baking

What a week! ?I had flu last week, not man flu, not woman flu but real flu that make me feel that dying might not be far off! ?6 years ago Brian and I had what we thought was flu and we got antibiotics for chest infections at the time. We felt lousy but Brian was able to carry on with the calving and training in the heifers and I was able to sit with a toddler on my knee [...]

Calving kicks off

Calving was supposed to kick off tomorrow but as can happen, some cows calved early with 4 being born last Wednesday. 2 are the tiniest little heifer and bull – not much bigger than lambs and have been named Paddy and Mary! We’re up to 8 calves now and I’m sure the next fortnight will be pretty busy. The photos I’ve taken so far aren’t great so will get some up this week.

Feb 2013 <a href=[...]

New Baby Calves at Garrendenny

It’s that calving time of the year when I turn into a single mother for a few months 🙂

It is always lovely when the first calf arrives though, the first one is always special and even more so if it is a heifer as this year’s was. Dairy heifer calves are worth more than bulls from a dairy British Friesien herd plus it is nice to know that they will ?live for longer!
