Tag Archives: irish beef farming

Where’s The Pride In Irish Farming Gone?

Irish Dairy FarmingWhere’s the pride gone in Irish farming? Most American farming blogs communicate a sense of pride in their chosen career, in how they farm, their farming practices, their ability to produce food for so many people, the fact that they are a 4th or 5th or even a 6th generation family farm. ?Irish farmers seem to be stereotyped as looking for [...]

How Long Does It Take To Cook A Nutritious Meal?

I’m conscious I haven’t written a post about the #horsegate saga yet, partly because I know I’ll probably start to rant and never shut up but will try to contain my angst and not ramble on!

It beggars belief that an Irish abbatoir has been deliberately labelling horsemeat as beef and exporting it. A criminal activity that I hope lands them in jail, given the pride, money and work that goes into the traceability of Irish beef. ?Farmers have to keep [...]

Bull Beef

We are doing ‘bull beef’ for the first time this year which means that there are 44 large and raucous bulls rather than steers in 2 sheds up the yard!

Why? Well, it should be more profitable. We have kept the occasional bull calf ‘whole’ in the past to ‘clean’ up the occasional cow or heifer that may not have gone into calf via Artificial Insemination and they always killed out an average of ?250 higher than steers. The disadvantage, of [...]