A Day in the Life of an Irish Farmerette

For someone who loves blogging, I’m very aware that I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been around here much! I’ve had this post in my head for some time that I must write down what I do all day (in an attempt too to eliminate any procrastination sneaking in there) so thought I’d share it with you.

7:30 – I [...]

Births & Deaths

Daisy and Snickers

One of the things about farm living is that children become accustomed to births and deaths from a young age. I always told the children that any animals that died went to heaven because I felt it would be comforting to them and also should a grandparent die, they would be used to the idea but I remember telling Kate aged about 3 that a calf had died. ‘Where has he gone?’ she asked and I replied ‘Up to heaven’. [...]

Nativity Play

I’m ‘on’ Sunday school for December and in previous years, I’ve written short nativity plays. As the children are now older and range in age from 7-15 for the speaking parts with many 3-5 years olds tagging along as silent angels and surplus shepherds, I wanted to write something that was longer and wittier.

Many thanks to Paula Sheridan who loaned me a copy of Jesus’ Christmas Party, the story of the first Christmas which is told from the point of [...]

Fax Tax

All this talk about overweight and obese children on the news today got me thinking. ?I do think it is important that parents are educated regarding what their children should be eating, partly when one quarter of all 9 year olds are supposed to be overweight but the suggestion that parents bring them to the doctor to be weighed and for some dietary advice seemed a tad absurd.


Happy Hallow’een

Happy Hallow’een!

We did most of the dressing up on Saturday when the children had friends up to play and then I brought the 4 of them to a parish youth club disco. We’d to leave early as it was my turn to get the pizzas and drink etc and I thought giving myself 90 minutes to carve 3 pumpkins with them and paint four faces while they took it [...]