The Long Winter

Ireland’s winter has now been going on for almost 12 months – it started last May when we had to rehouse cows at night and with the ridiculously wet summer, it was tough going to keep cows out, cattle were in and out and getting silage cut for the winter was a challenge!

The fact at the moment is that numerous farmers are undergoing severe fodder shortages. Yes, there are farmers, mostly older ones, that weren’t aware the quality of their [...]

Farmers Unite During Spring 2013

Boy, what a spring! The Irish countryside looks more like it has been sprayed with weedkiller than its usual lush self. While temperatures have been warmer the last few days, heavy rain during the week meant that cows and cattle had to be rehoused. We’ve been quite lucky, we’ve had sufficient silage, we got the cows out by day for most days and got half the cattle out for a few weeks. We have spent about ?7,000 more this March [...]

Chinese Consuming More Dairy Products Which Includes Infant Formula

We keep hearing of China growing in terms of population and wealth – how so many more Chinese are introducing dairy produce into their diet, how they wish to emulate the Western diet, how the middle classes are growing and how they are spending more on ‘Western-type’ food products. Apparently two huge New Zealand farm dairies have been bought by the Chinese so they can supply to the growing demand for dairy. All sounds good for dairy farmers worldwide doesn’t [...]