A Field of Mushrooms

We’ve had a fabulous summer here in Ireland – warm temperatures mostly between 22 and 26 degrees Celsuis and not much rain. In fact, rain kept missing us here and we got to the stage that we were looking out for it. 36 hours of rain last weekend on warm soil meant that we have a couple of fields with scores and scores of mushrooms.

Field Mushrooms

I had to [...]

Farm Safety Day

Did you know that farming is the second most dangerous occupation- second to mining? I would have thought farming came much further down on the list but this profession, which can seem to idyllic in many ways, is realistically highly dangerous. Anyone brought up on a farm can probably remember near misses. I know I can recall falling from the front of a tall trailer load of hay, luckily I hit the ground without coming into contact with [...]

Maggie Moo passes an important test

Maggie Moo here again 🙂 I’m getting really big and I’m really enjoying being out in a huge field with lots of lovely green grass to eat. We moved away from the field near the yard about 4 weeks ago. It was nice there as we could see the farmers working, we could see the cows going in to be milked and chat to them as they walked back to the field after milking. Sometimes the hens came up to [...]