My Farming Week: Am I A WAG?

Extract from an interview with a farm wife in the Irish Examiner last week

Do you ever notice that things seem to happen in threes? Be it good or bad, it seems that we either seem to get three bad events in a row or three good events. Now, how would you classify these three things that happened within the same hour on Saturday?

I spent Saturday morning finishing off the accounts for the accountant and then got stuck into some housework. The phone rang at 12:55 just as I was planning to have a [...]

Busy Week for this “Perfect Farm Wife”!

Review of Perfect Farm Wife in Irish Independent

What a week!

It started with an invitation on the Friday to go onto the Vincent Browne show on Monday night. For those who aren’t familiar with it, it’s a late night political broadcast and usually takes the format of Browne, the host, interviewing 5 people on a panel (which usually include politicians) and having a review of the next day’s papers. They were filming in Carlow and were looking for a female farmer, Suzanna Crampton ‘kindly’ sent them my way. [...]

Update on ‘How To Be A Perfect Farm Wife’

Since I announced the title of my next book was going to be How To Be A Perfect Farm ?Wife, my dearly beloved has been giving me lots of teasing. If anything goes wrong (ie especially if a dinner tastes like it is lacking in love) or if he happens to trip over something in the scullery, I get the line ‘what would a Perfect Farm Wife do?’ – don’t even mention paperwork! Put it this way, I’m pretty sure [...]

My Farming Month: Award Winning Scones, Anniversaries and How Things Are Not Quite What They Seem


Helllooooo, long time no see – I know. You see, remember that book I’m working on and self publishing in September. It was tootling along fine, needed lots and lots of re-writing of course as my drafts are always ridiculously long-winded, ?and then six weeks ago, I decided to change the angle on one section which led to two sections. Translate that into a re-write on 20,000 words. I liked the look of it and then I looked at the [...]

Cheese Making, Birr Castle, Seven O’Clock Show and Birthdays


Once again, not so much farming in the last week although we did get a clear TB test. When you hear of some farms being almost decimated, it always causes a little bit of anxiety that week.

Blogging is going to be a bit erratic until the book is done and dusted! It’s been an extremely busy couple of weeks too – every week seems to have at least two or three things going on that absorb so much time and [...]