Tag Archives: christmas gifts for farmers

Become an Ideal Farm Husband – Ten Tips

An Ideal Farm Husband cover

An Ideal Farm Husband coverWe have all heard the expression and title of the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” but farm men come into their own. Usually brought up on the farm all their lives, they can find it hard to understand life from any other perspective, and if their dearly beloved is from a non farming background, allowances [...]

Ten Christmas Stocking Gift Ideas for Farmers


Whether it’s been a tough financial year, you’re spending most of the money on the kids or he’s spent a small fortune on new machinery and feeling guilty so telling you not to get him anything, it’s nice to be able to put some inexpensive gifts under the tree or into the stocking. The kids like to see the adults getting gifts too especially if there’s a fun reaction when they are opened up. I’ve come up with ten Christmas [...]

On the third day of Christmas, win a “Mr and Mrs Farmer” Mug

On the third day of Christmas

This illustration is from Would You Marry A Farmer? and I love it. It’s a play on the American Gothic painting and to me, this suggests a couple who have got through all the trials of a farm marriage and as they have never reached the stage of stabbing each other with that pitchfork, they stand united with the pitchfork between them – wiser, older and still in love.

That image is now on this mug on the Zazzle [...]

On the first day of Christmas, a Farmer Date Night Mug

On the first day

Can you believe it is the 1st of December? Where did November, not to mention the rest of the year, go? I have one month left to complete the to-do list I created at the beginning of the year – eeeek.

After all this IFA furore, it’s time for some fun so I’m going to do 12 Days of Christmas giveaways with a different giveaway each day so do stay tuned.

I’m creating merchandise from some of the illustrations in the book [...]

10 Christmas Gifts for Farmers

Gifts for Farmers

You might think that farmers are easy to buy for, after all, they don’t go shopping very often unless they desperately need new clothes or a visit to the barber. But they tend to be quite fickle, they like practical presents such as a new chainsaw but as that may be an essential tool for the farm expenses, you might prefer to get him something a little more special for his Christmas gifts.

1. Good Working Dog – if he has [...]