Tag Archives: farming books

Friday Fields: Lynup’s Hill, Where my ashes will be spread

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What is it about the possession of land that drives some people to murder?

We’re all familiar with Bull McCabe in the play (and film) The Field by John B Keane. And maybe there is a little bit of McCabe in all of us as people can be remarkably possessive about land they own or rent. At a recent auction near here, a man that had been renting a field for years stood up and told everyone not to buy [...]

An Ideal Farm Husband – a free eBook for you

Marriage Proposal Farmer Style

We all need a laugh. The evenings are getting dark earlier and earlier, the news is full of Brexit and Covid, the weather forecast isn’t good for next week. We need music and laughter and tea and comfort food and good television programmes and cosiness.

An ideal farm husband? Would he be handy too? Well, I can’t promise you the perfect husband but I do have the means of improving him perhaps or at the very least, of dropping hints to [...]

Book Update: All About The Book

Till the Cows Come Home - book design

I was chatting to a friend recently, I hadn’t seen her in months and she commented that I had kept my book quiet. Had I really? Surely I had told everyone. But then I realised that between finishing the boarding school book, writing the memoir, editing it and then into calving and the long winter, that I’ve been living the life of a hermit really. I’ve talked about it on social media but I haven’t been out much nor have [...]