Tag Archives: how to marry a farmer

5 Tips on Attracting Eligible Farmers at the Ploughing Championships

How to attract and marry an eligibile farmer

Do you want to know how to attract an eligible farmer before you go to the Irish National Ploughing Championships this year? Farmers are now considered to be ‘a good catch’ and it’s not all down to the road frontage. They are seen as being hard working, eco friendly, kind to animals, community minded, dependable, fit and good looking. Add to that the wholesome goodness of bringing up a family in the countryside and you can see why farmers are [...]

Married A Farmer? You’ll Enjoy These Tweets

Twitter has been throwing up some great farming hashtags lately. There’s been #datingafarmer and #FiveWordsToRuinADateWithAFarmer and last night the #marriedafarmer hashtag took off. Considering I use #marryafarmer for my book, I just had to get involved with lots of tweets!

Here’s some of the best of the #marriedafarmer tweets:


Find A Farmer To Marry At Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival

I recommend Lisdoonvarna as one of the most famous matchmaking festivals in Ireland in my book – as one means to meet an eligible farmer! Despite the popularity of online dating sites, the popularity of the matchmaker still holds strong and of course, the fact that Lisdoonvarna is a world famous festival adds to the fun too.

Is it really that successful as a matchmaking festival though? You bet it is. It’s now in its 157th year! Couples that met at [...]

I Want To Marry A Farmer – But How?

Following tweets and updates about my Fundit project, I was asked by a couple of ladies ‘How can I find a farmer to marry?’. It seems my post about being married to a farmer hadn’t put them off!

muddy matchesSo it got me thinking! What does make a farmer such a desirable catch ? It can’t just be the possibility of road frontage and [...]