Why Everyone Needs NLP In Their Lives

I was recently asked how am I so positive on this blog? Initially I was a bit nonplussed by the question. Am I that positive? Is farming expected to be pessimistic? My initial thought was well, isn’t that the beauty of social media? Okay, it does have its negative elements with cyber bullying but on the whole, people tend to put their best side forward on their blog or on their facebook profile. What I particularly like about social media [...]

Bookworms: Review of Bossypants by Tina Fey

Tina Fey Bossypants ReviewBossypants by Tina Fey was our book of choice for February – a humourous memoir by Tina Fey and yes, it did have humourous moments. Starting from her early years, she recounts episodes such as her first day in school and how everyone treated her kindly because of her scar. To be honest, if I’d enjoyed this, I’d have devoured it in a day but it took me [...]

Bookworms Book Review – 4 Historical Novels

Elaine at New Farmerette set up a bookworms bloggers group on facebook recently and I’m delighted to be back into the habit of writing up book reviews again. I often read a good book and intend to write a review but don’t get around to it and I often read a terrible book and am dying to warn others from investing their money in it but as I say to the kids, if you can’t say anything nice [...]

Memories are made of …. books

I packed away my bookcase of books about 6 months ago in preparation for some decorating. My sister’s kids school was having a Christmas sale with a book stall so I thought it was a good time to have a good clear out of books while, at the same time, putting books back onto our newly painted 7 foot six inch high bookcase. Even though I must have given away close to 200 books, most of the shelves still have [...]