Friday Farmologies #16-20 Things Your Dad Says


Do farmers ever really retire? Even the odd one who takes up golf or heads off on month long holidays will still potter around the home farm or may even start up a small enterprise on a few acres on an outfarm. It’s said that a farmer is still a farmer until they are six feet under and I’d believe it.

Many are still staying in the driving seat until in their 70s and beyond. The reasons vary between not having [...]

Friday Farm Wife Farmologies #11-15

A Perfect Farm Wife

Even though farms vary in size and type, there’s still lots of typical things that happen to a farm wife or indeed, a farmer. If you’ve just married a farmer and aren’t quite sure what to expect, here’s 5 hints!

Farmology #11

“No, you won’t need wellies” he says when asking you to stand in a gap for 5 minutes before you head to town so you chance going up the yard in your “town” jeans and shoes. It will be the [...]

Farmologies 1-5


There are certain things that are common in farming households all over the world or perhaps some of them are isolated to Irish farms? Anyone else find these things happen to them?

#1. If a farm wife ever wants to summon her husband, all she has to do is sit down for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. He is bound to arrive in to the kitchen within ten minutes and say “Is this what you’ve been doing [...]