What Lucy Did Next

Lucy, 2020, age 15

Till the cows come home front coverLike humans I guess, sometimes a cow comes along and you know there will be another cow like her. It’s not just that she’s special in terms of her personality or appearance, it’s the combination of everything that can be good about a cow – production, conformation, temperament, possession of good old common sense.

For us, our 16 [...]

Do Old Cures Really Work?

2017-11-03 14.47.16-1

There had been a lot of commentary about the Presidential hopeful, Joan Freeman, announcing that a visit to Knock cured her of eczema when she was 16. Most people, judging by the plethora of comments, seem to think she is barking mad and yes, I’d be sceptical too yet I wondered as I tried something similar myself once.

People still go on religious pilgrimages and people still try herbal, religious or pagan cures in an attempt to cure them of [...]

Me and My Dog: Lou Brightens Life

Lou with flowers in her hair ;)

One of the things I love about farming is that the vast majority of days tend to be different. They will have elements that are similar. We milk cows for over 300 days a year, in spring the calves are fed morning and evening, in winter all animals need to be foddered but other work tends to vary such as tasks like fencing, spreading fertiliser, spreading dung, grass measuring, dosing cattle, mowing grass, paperwork. If the sun is shining, it [...]

Review of Calf Hutches, Calf Jackets & a Calf Barrow

Calf Hutch

This spring was our first year to try using calf hutches, calf jackets and a calf barrow and I said at the time that I’d review should any readers be considering using any of them. It’s taken me a while to get around to doing it but better late than never I guess.

Calf Coats

First up the calf jackets. They varied in price from €19-€35 if I remember correctly. The calves wore them for about six weeks until the weather improved. I [...]

My Farming Week: Sometimes it’s good to say No

Farmers Wife keeping all the plates in the air

I’m making some changes to my life for 2017.

Nothing too drastic – I’m not planning in running a marathon or even 5k. I’m too realistic to know that I’m not going to lose lots of weight.

But I am going to say “No” more often. Because after all, by saying “No” to something, I’m saying “Yes” to something else.

Farmers Wife keeping all the plates in the air[...]