Mayo 200

It’s been a busy few weeks – putting the finishing touches to the little book for ‘Mayo 200’ to mark the 200th anniversary of our church. It ended up being 18,500 words over 68 pages with photographs dotted throughout.

Mayo 200

The children acted out their play during the service too and it received great praise. Inspired by the visitations that Scrooge [...]

A Day in the Life of an Irish Farmerette

For someone who loves blogging, I’m very aware that I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been around here much! I’ve had this post in my head for some time that I must write down what I do all day (in an attempt too to eliminate any procrastination sneaking in there) so thought I’d share it with you.

7:30 – I [...]

Sartorial Elegance…..????

The windmill is flying around since it was connected during the week. At times today, it almost sounded like a distant aeroplane at times but I think that is just because we are so used to the only noise being the birds around here.

Garrendenny  Windmill

I went up with the kids to see it and Kate insisted on taking some [...]

Garrendenny Lane

Did you have a nice Mother’s Day? Ours turned out to be quite busy, we had decided not to go out for dinner (went last week instead) as everywhere would be packed and as it happened, Brian had a busy day. Kate and I did some baking and after dinner, we went for a walk. Brian had to sort out some cattle in the part of the farm off the Garrendenny Lane so Will brought his bike while Kate and [...]