Childhood Farm Memories – Straw Tales

I wish I had photographs of us as kids working and playing amongst the straw and hay bales in the fields as they were put one at a time onto the trailers to be brought back to the farmyard. Many of my childhood memories revolve around the straw and hay – between bringing picnics to the field, stopping for icecreams on the way home if it was a long draw, the blisters on the hands, the sense of a long [...]

Marriage For Irish Farmers Through the Ages

Would You Marry a Farmer?


Farmers haven’t always been seen as a good catch. Farming was often be a very isolated occupation, with the farmer living on an isolated farm, eking out a living and caring for an aged parent, usually a mother. The age difference between husband and wife could be a couple of decades in some cases, partly because the man could be in his 40s or 50s before he could afford to marry. His father might have died or die during the [...]

Farmers Wives & Farmerettes: Their Image

A conversation about farmers wives and our uses on twitter led to a discussion about ‘IMAGE’ for farmer’s wives/farmerettes. ?By the way, a ‘farmerette’ is a girl or woman who works on the land and is even mentioned in Finnegan’s Wake by James Joyce. I know farmer is a non-gender specific term but I like ‘farmerette’.

Mini farmerette

Personally I think it is a [...]

Going on a Journey

Dee’s post about journeys on her new blog got me thinking this morning. We don’t often get to take long journeys now and I was remembering how I hated heading home with the car and that dreaded boat journey as I tend to get terribly seasick. I don’t mind flying but don’t enjoy long flights and all the hanging around airports (mind you, very few people probably do!).
