Tag Archives: irish farming

Derelict Cottage For Sale Garrendenny Lane

Garrendenny Lane was once populated with cottages and one two-storey house. Serving as a shortcut between the townslands of Kilgorey and Mayo, many people walked along it on their way to Mass, children walked along it to and from school – the lane being 1.5 miles whereas the long way round by the main road is about 3 miles.

Garrendenny Lane[...]

Silage and Scones

The weather has been incredibly hot here in Ireland – no rain for 16 days is almost unheard of. Farmers on dry land (who have been the envy of the rest of us for many years) are finding that what grass they had is just burning off and most are feeding the first cut of silage (which shouldn’t have been touched until next winter) and meal to cows and perhaps silage or hay to the rest of the stock. ?The [...]

Wordless Wednesday – Hot Cows

Not quite laughing cows this week! They have been finding it hot the last fortnight and have been back in milk by about half a gallon a day each as the grass quality just hasn’t been as good for the last week.

Irish Dairy Farming


We took out quite a few paddocks last week (baled silage from the [...]

AI on an Irish Dairy Farm

It’s AI season here on the farm at the moment, started on 1st May. ?We use about 95% artificial insemination for our cows, just using a bull for some repeats (when a cow doesn’t go in calf on the first serving) if it is getting late in the season. ?It is entirely possible for a cow to have many calves and still be theoretically a virgin!

Irish Dairy Cows waiting for the AI technican / <a href=[...]