Author Archives: Lorna

A Special Bullock

As the bulls will be going to the factory over the coming weeks, I remember one particular bullock that had such character. ?Perhaps this story also shows that although farming is a business and has to produce a profit, some animals can be very special to farmers.

As a dairy herd, all of our calves are sired by mostly AI, using top dairy bulls and we finish off with one of our own dairy bulls but years ago when we first [...]

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! The decorations are down, the fake tree and the decorations are back up in the attic and true to form, we find a stray decoration as we come downstairs! The real tree is mostly on the hall floor and awaiting removal by husband who is spending most of his free time putting in new cupboards and sink in the utility.

I realised that my husband is a [...]


We had a lovely Christmas, really relaxing – did nothing but cook, eat, drink, be merry and play and read books of course! ?I had intended doing a blog post on the best book I read in 2011 and then I couldn’t work out or remember which was the best so I’ve decided to review a couple of my most recent reads.

I’ve been reading Harry Potter to the kids since August and we all love it, we are now almost [...]

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone – it’s been a busy run up to Christmas with the online orders and generating new business for Write on Track too so I am really looking forward to battening down the hatches and relaxing in front of the fire with a book / crochet / chocolate / scrabble / lego / doll’s house / TV – you get the drift – I’m not going to be doing much running around for the next few days!

Apart from [...]

Budget changes for Farmers

Well, that budget, that was driving us all mad with the constant mentions of it in the media, has now passed. ?The government does seem to be supporting the handing over of farms to the younger generation (I think I’m correct in saying that only 5% of farmers are under 35) and the percentages in place re inheritence have been maintained. When I inherited this farm some years ago, I had to complete a ‘Green Cert’ to show I had [...]