Childhood Memories of Rugby & Baking

With Will watching the rugby in the living room and Kate & I baking away in the kitchen, I was reminded of some of my childhood Saturdays as a kid. My dad would be watching the rugby and everytime a try was scored or something exciting happened, he would shout for my mum and she’d have to run in and watch the replay even though she wasn’t overly interested! ?My younger sister would often be helping her bake and I [...]

Flu, Calving and Baking

What a week! ?I had flu last week, not man flu, not woman flu but real flu that make me feel that dying might not be far off! ?6 years ago Brian and I had what we thought was flu and we got antibiotics for chest infections at the time. We felt lousy but Brian was able to carry on with the calving and training in the heifers and I was able to sit with a toddler on my knee [...]

I’m turning into one of those!

I’m turning into one of those! You know the type, they pick something up in a shop to read the ingredients or see the price and end up pushing glasses up to their forehead or peering over them or moving the item closer and further away in an attempt to focus their eyes properly.

woman wearing glasses[...]

Irish Farmerette’s Bucket List for 2013

bucket listForget about goals and objectives though I have written them too and am slightly daunted by my long list of goals but a much more fun list is a bucket list for 2013, and having just read a suggested list on I decided to write a list of ten things I’d like to do/learn/achieve in 2013.

1. Learn how to crochet more than granny squares and make something [...]