If My Kitchen Table Could Talk ….

If my kitchen table could talk

I don’t often get jealous of other women. I’m not envious of things like perfectly shaped eyebrows, slim waists, manicured nails, spotless kitchen floors, not even the possession of an Aga. But the green-eyed monster does unleash itself occasionally. There is one type of woman who possesses something I covet and no matter what I do, I find it impossible to attain.

It is the ability to keep a kitchen table clear. I still remember visiting a farm, walking into the [...]

Friday Fields: Bakers Hill

I love reading about field names. They provide so much information about the size and shape of the field; the type of soil; the surrounding vegetation; the people who were there before us. Books have been published detailing the names of fields (e.g. The Field Names of Country Meath) in some counties as researchers and publishers realised that as land is sold, this important part of our heritage is being lost.

Some of our fields are named after tenants, [...]

Become an Ideal Farm Husband – Ten Tips

An Ideal Farm Husband cover

An Ideal Farm Husband coverWe have all heard the expression and title of the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” but farm men come into their own. Usually brought up on the farm all their lives, they can find it hard to understand life from any other perspective, and if their dearly beloved is from a non farming background, allowances [...]

An Ideal Farm Husband – a free eBook for you

Marriage Proposal Farmer Style

We all need a laugh. The evenings are getting dark earlier and earlier, the news is full of Brexit and Covid, the weather forecast isn’t good for next week. We need music and laughter and tea and comfort food and good television programmes and cosiness.

An ideal farm husband? Would he be handy too? Well, I can’t promise you the perfect husband but I do have the means of improving him perhaps or at the very least, of dropping hints to [...]

News From The Farm

Farm animals - some of my favourites

Can you believe that it is almost October? I can’t. We had lovely summery weather until a week ago and suddenly, the cold temperatures of winter are here. The bonus, of course, is that I am lighting the fire every evening and enjoying sitting in front of it with a cuppa and either a good book or my crochet. This is the first winter in four years that we haven’t had a building project going on and while we might [...]