Farming – Kids Style

It was nice to have a sunny warm day today for a change. For the first evening in ages, the kids played outside till late and then came in exhausted, hungry and filthy. It is incredible to think there is such a bad drought in the States and so wet here. ?Lots of farmers have all their stock in and no silage cut which means they are either finishing off last year’s silage or buying some which is going to [...]

Sliding Doors – a Decade On

10 Years – a whole Decade, it is ten years this weekend since we moved from Salisbury in the UK, we moved back on 14th which was yesterday and it was early on a Sunday morning when our best friends in Salisbury, Jo and Craig, came to wave us off from 5 Lower Road. Will had arrived 2 weeks late and was only 3 weeks old when we came back. I had been teaching at the Peter Symonds sixth form [...]

It’s a Goat’s Life!

What a week of weather – our fields are saturated and yet the American midlands are experiencing severe drought – isn’t it mad! ?The good news is we had a clear TB test today – always a relief! But it seems ?insane that the kids were inside today watching a Harry Potter DVD ?(instead of being out in the sunshine) while the rain beat against the window.


Our Silage Saga

Wow, it has been a busy few weeks! I’ll start off by filling you in on our silage saga and a saga it was. I don’t think I could have written about it before now as I would just have ranted and ranted so I had to get all that out of my system!

For anyone [...]

A Day in the Life of an Irish Farmerette

For someone who loves blogging, I’m very aware that I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been around here much! I’ve had this post in my head for some time that I must write down what I do all day (in an attempt too to eliminate any procrastination sneaking in there) so thought I’d share it with you.

7:30 – I [...]