20th Wedding Anniversary

The children went back to school today so apart from the weather being April showers one minute and November storms the next, it is definitely autumn now. Summer is gone and we’ll see if autumn can do what it says on the tin!

We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on 20th August. I dug out some old photos to show the kids and then thought I’d scan a few. [...]

Going on a Journey

Dee’s post about journeys on her new blog got me thinking this morning. We don’t often get to take long journeys now and I was remembering how I hated heading home with the car and that dreaded boat journey as I tend to get terribly seasick. I don’t mind flying but don’t enjoy long flights and all the hanging around airports (mind you, very few people probably do!).


Motorola Defy – a smartphone for farmers

Some time ago, Brian was phoned by his mobile phone company to tell him he was eligible for an upgrade and to enquire if he wanted a smartphone. He didn’t like to admit it wasn’t sure what one was and said he’d get back to them later. ?I did stare at him in bemusement as I explained what a smart phone was and how he could perhaps use apps for recording data (and wondering why on earth didn’t he know [...]

RIP Ash Tree

Our ash tree blew over today, it was a huge ash tree that (according to a guy who came out a couple of years ago from Johnstown forestry) was one of the oldest in the country. At the time the guy came out, he measured it and it was over 20 feet in circumference. He asked us to send him some new shoots when they came out and they would start them off and send us some baby ash trees, [...]

Don’t Call Me ‘Mammy’

I’m not sure why but I detest being called ‘Mammy’. ?’Mama?’ is the Irish for Mummy or Mother so I guess that is where the word Mammy came from but when I knew I was pregnant with Will, I decided that I’d be called anything but Mammy even though it seems to be the norm here in Ireland. I called my own mother ‘Mammy’ until I started secondary school and then it became ‘Mum’.
