Are Farmers Born Or Made?

Are farmers born or made? ?Just because a person is born into a farming family, does that make them a good flarmer? ?Are there city people who are capable of being good farmers?

Are farmers born or made?

Succession is a huge issue for many farmers. There’s a huge familial tie to the land in Ireland which means [...]

Lord Galmoy of Garrendenny Castle



My father moved up to Garrendenny Castle when he was 7 back in 1945, his father having inherited it from an uncle who bought it around 1908. Before that it was owned by the Warren family for about 30 years and before that were relatives to the Butler family of Kilkenny Castle, albeit very much the poorer relations.

Garrendenny was often described as a “poor man’s castle’ consisting of relatively small rooms, one room wide in the 3 storey part with [...]

Tweeting Farmers

Have you heard of the @tweetingfarmers yet? Created by the Farmers Feed Families team and on the premise that we eat three times a day due to the work that farmers do so let’s find out more about where our food comes from, how it is created, the daily lives and work of the farmers, the price they get for their produce and everything else that farmers are willing to share with their consumers.


Irish Farmerette Goes To Wales

As you can probably guess by the silence here, it’s been a busy week. I went to Wales last week for a two day trip (more on that in a moment), then I was teaching in Co. Meath and then catching up on everything and getting ready for teaching my first online pinterest course over at We Teach Social.

The silage was cut while I was away! We started it on the Bank Holiday but it became misty so [...]